Bodybuildingcom x EVL Nutrition Workout Wednesday: Lagging Body Parts
July 28, 2022What’s up fam?! It’s #WorkoutWednesday and we have @EVLSPORTS athlete Angel Casas back with a workout and some tips to focus on those muscle groups that might be lagging.
– Leg Extensions 4 x 8-12
*Tip 1. Train your weakest muscle group first
*Tip 2. Focus on one exercise at a time
– Single Leg Extensions 4 x 12-20
*Tip 3. Include unilateral exercises
– Superset: Adduction Machine 3 x 15-20
– Superset: Machine Side Lateral Raises 3 x 12-15
*Tip 4. Utilize Machines
– Superset: One Arm Cable Side Lateral Raises 5 x 15-20
*Tip 5. Utilize Cables
– Machine Preacher Curls 5 x 15-20
*Tip 6. Maximize Strength and Mechanical Tension
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