Best Exercises for Lower Abs No Equipment
January 25, 2022Your abdominal muscles (abs) sit between your ribcage and your pelvis. Along with your back muscles, they help form the part of your body called the core. The core helps you stay balanced and keeps your spine protected. Most common physical activities such as walking or running rely on a strong core.
#abs #absworkout #absexercise
0:00 knee raises
0:50 Flutter Kicks
1:40 Criss Cross Leg Raises
2:30 8s Figure
3:20 In-Out Leg Raises
4:11 Legs Raise with Head up
5:01 Double Crunch
5:51 V-up Clap
6:41 Leg Hold
What is the best exercise for lower abs?
How do you work your lower abs?
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