I’m Going ALL IN Why Am I So Hungry? (Day 1)
September 16, 2021I don’t have much to say other than, I hope you will stick with me and follow my journey. You guys are my biggest support system and without you, I’m nothing. I honestly feel like you are my best friends and I hope my openness and honesty will only bring us closer. I love you guys so much. ??
If you want daily updates, follow me on IG▹
▹IG‣ @stephanie_buttermore
▹NEW FOOD IG! ‣@StephsHollowLeg
My Women’s Specialization Program ?
*Recommended Video*
▹ I Lost My Period: Why It’s Unhealthy & How To Get It Back(Hypothalamic Amenorrhea): https://youtu.be/d_qxQtdRTds
*Nicola Rinaldi, PhD
Such a sweet and amazing woman! She truly is a wealth of knowledge so make sure to check out her content. She also works with women one-on-one to help them regain their menstrual cycle as well as helping women who are struggling with infertility.
▹Website: https://www.noperiodnowwhat.com/
▹Consulting: https://www.noperiodnowwhat.com/consulting
▹?Her Book “No Period, Now What?”: https://www.noperiodnowwhat.com/book
▹FB Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/436981166801162/
Discount: STEPH
▹ Body Analyzer 60% off code [sbuttermore] link: http://vpwow.com/sbuttermore
✔% Body Fat
✔Muscle Mass
✔Bone Density
✔Water Weight
‣Blue Wednesday ‣https://soundcloud.com/bluewednesday
BUSINESS ONLY EMAIL: sbuttermore25@gmail.com
FAQs ▹
1.What is your ethnicity?
‣ Mom is Thai and Dad is Canadian..Eh?
2. How tall are you?
‣ 5’4″
3. How old are you?
‣ 29
3. What are you researching?
‣ Watch my PhD Day in the life video ▹ http://bit.ly/dayasaphd
4. Is Jeff my boyfriend?
‣ Duh
5. Is that your real hair?
‣ Yes
AYOOO!! My name is Stephanie Buttermore and in a few words I am a fitness enthusiast but a scientist at heart!
Just obtained my Ph.D. in pathology and cell biology with a research focus on the molecular mechanisms that drive ovarian cancer progression. Hope you stick around! xoxo