Do This Exercise For Your Side Fat (Get Rid of Side Fat)

Do This Exercise For Your Side Fat (Get Rid of Side Fat)

January 12, 2023 0 By FitnessTips

Lose belly fat and lose your love handles with these 12 exercises. love handles workout for guys, how to lose love handles fast in 1 week with exercise, love handle workout machine, exercises to get rid of love handles fast, dumbbell exercises for love handles, how to lose love handles fast female. Get a slim waist in 2 weeks with this 10 minute at home workout challenge. exercise for slim waist and flat tummy, waist slimming exercises for hourglass, ab exercises to avoid for a small waist, small waist exercises at home, best waist exercises, standing waist exercises, waist exercises for beginners.

0:00 Crunch with rotation
0:36 Russian Twist
1:12 Russian Twist 2
2:18 Seated Wipers
2:53 Seated Bicycle
3:59 Alternate oblique crunch
5:35 Hip Roll Plank
6:11 Star Plank Side
7:16 Plank Toe Tap
8:23 Heel Touches
8:58 Side turn (straight legs)
9:34 Side to Side

#sidefat #slimwaist #lovehandlesworkout