Welcome to 2023.
January 10, 2023Welcome to 2023.
Living in a world of information overload can become overwhelming. There’s no true line drawn between what needs to be done to hit your goals versus what’s categorized as extra credit.
It’s time to go back to the basics.
No matter the goal you’re chasing, we’re challenging you to focus in on the four pillars of fitness.
1. Train Consistently: We get it. It can get tedious doing the same workouts each week. But here’s the kicker; it works. Follow a program that’s geared towards your specific fitness goal. Stick with it, track your progress, and see results. Download BodyFit to get started.
2. Eat Clean: It’s not about going gluten free, lactose free, keto, carnivore, plant-based or whatever else is trending these days. It’s about finding what works for you. What makes you feel good? What makes you perform better? Check out our recipe and nutrition database for tips.
3. Recover Hard: We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, recovery is more important than training. If your mind and body aren’t prepared to train, you’re not going to reap the benefits of the session. We’ll educate you on best pre, intra and post workout recovery tactics.
4. Supplement Frequently: You’re probably thinking to yourself, “of course they have to include supplements, they’re a supplement company.” Touché but we reference thousands of science-backed studies each year that show there’s proof behind the pudding for supplementation, as needed of course.
Start the new year right by focusing on what matters most.
► BodyFit Training Programs: https://bbcom.me/2FC4vvP
► Shop Bodybuilding Signature Supplements: https://bbcom.me/3fHTWwD
► Subscribe: http://bit.ly/2DK5lGD
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We are Bodybuilding.com. Your transformation is our passion. We are your personal trainer, your nutritionist, your supplement expert, your lifting partner, your support group. We provide the technology, tools and products you need to burn fat, build muscle and become your best self.