The Most Effective Abdominal Exercises (Get Abs Fast)
December 20, 2022Are you looking to flatten your belly and strengthen your core? If so, try our abs and core workouts and challenges to achieve your fitness goals. best ab exercises at home, ab workouts at the gym for beginners, ab workouts to do at the gym female beginners, best ab workouts at the gym, best ab workouts for women.
0:00 Quarter Crunch
0:41 Runch with rotation
1:22 Janda Crunch
2:27 Alternate Oblique Crunch
3:08 Heel Touches
3:48 Side Crunch
4:54 Frog Crunch
5:35 In & Out
6:15 Russian Twist
7:21 half burpees
8:02 Leg Raises
8:42 Bicycle Crunch
#loseweight #abs #core
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