Full Body Stretch a super quick routine for every day

Full Body Stretch a super quick routine for every day

December 9, 2022 0 By FitnessTips

The right full body stretching routine can help you loosen up your joints and muscles. Complete these 10 quick, easy stretches in just a 9 minute. We rounded up the top stretching exercises to improve your flexibility from your neck to your calves. Stretching is great for the body before and after exercise, or virtually any time of the day!

0:00 lying side twist
0:56 Knee Flexor Stretch
1:51 Rotations
2:46 T Spine Stretch
3:42 Kneeling Lat Stretch
4:37 Butterfly
5:32 Ankle stretch
6:28 Iron Cross Stretch
7:23 Forward stretch
8:18 Low Lunge stretch

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