Full Body Fat Burn  Best Plank Workout (Smaller Waist and Flat Abs)

Full Body Fat Burn Best Plank Workout (Smaller Waist and Flat Abs)

November 8, 2022 0 By FitnessTips

Training the abdominal muscle group is no easy task. The muscles do not all respond to training at the same rate and there is a core group of abdominal s, running beneath the external ones with muscle fibres pointing the opposite way. This makes for a core picture which no single exercise can adequately address which helps explain why strong abs are hard to attain, which makes them an aim to strive for.

0:00 Front Plank
1:02 Mountain Climber
2:02 Plank to dolphin
3:02 Single Leg Plank
4:03 Front Plank to Toe Tap
5:47 Side Plank
6:47 Front plank with arm & leg lift
7:48 Spiderman plank
8:48 Single arm plank
9:49 Elbow Up & Down Plank

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