Do This For 10 Days and Look In The Mirror

Do This For 10 Days and Look In The Mirror

July 13, 2022 0 By FitnessTips

Excess weight is still very new to us and in the recent past all we used to do is diet so naturally we learned that it is all about weight loss and shedding pounds. We now have experience, we are smarted and we know that in order to stay healthy and fit and not just skinny we also need to exercise. Exercise, incidentally, being a highly demanding activity forces your body to dig into the its stored energy reserves. Unlike dieting, though, it doesn’t just help you empty the fat cells it also builds muscle.

#cardio #weightloss #burnfat

0:00 Stepback Arms Circle
0:33 Thigh Taps
1:06 Half Burpees
1:39 Swipe Kickback
2:12 Criss Cross Jump
2:45 Place Jog
3:18 Stepback Cone Touch
3:52 Side Step Lateral Raise
4:26 Criss Cross Jacks
4:58 Jumps