Exercises to Improve Your Posture At Home

Exercises to Improve Your Posture At Home

May 7, 2022 0 By FitnessTips

Do you want to have a perfect posture and healthy spine? You can get it with simple and fast exercises. This video guide will help you to exercise at home without the need of any equipment.
Why is good posture important?
Good posture helps us stand, walk, sit, and lie in positions that place the least strain on supporting muscles and ligaments during movement and weight-bearing activities.

0:00 WarmUp
2:45 Floor Hyperextension
3:36 Pulse Row
4:26 Floor Row
5:17 Sliding Floor on Towel
6:07 Swimmer Kicks
6:57 Superman Row

Benefits of correct posture:
– Reduced low back pain
– Fewer headaches
– Increased energy levels
– Less tension in your shoulders and neck
– Decreased risk of abnormal wearing of the joint surfaces
– Increased lung capacity
– Improved circulation and digestion
– Easier and deeper breathing
– Healthy spine
– Decreased risk of scoliosis
– Decreased risk of osteoporosis
– Decreased risk of thoracic outlet syndrome
– Decreased risk of text neck
– Decreased risk of many posture related problems