Burn Belly Fat in 14 Days (Brutal Ab Workout)

Burn Belly Fat in 14 Days (Brutal Ab Workout)

April 12, 2022 0 By FitnessTips

Lose weight in 14 days with the help of Ab home workout plan and a diet. Do exercises from the video and you will lose weight and fat from the abdomen and other problem areas. Perfect workout and exercises for a beautiful body. Lose weight in 14 days is quite possible.

#abs #abworkout #abexercises #Loseweight

0:00 Twist Hip Lift
0:45 Superman Push ups
1:15 Jack Crunches
2:15 Flexion Leg Sit up
3:01 Rollout
3:46 Side Plank Variation
4:31 Leg Raise Hip Lift
5:17 V-up Combo Crunch

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