A Breast Cancer Survivor’s Fight to Love Her New Body  SELF

A Breast Cancer Survivor’s Fight to Love Her New Body SELF

January 5, 2022 0 By FitnessTips

GRACE: A short film about breast cancer, tattoos, and the battle that begins when everyone else thinks the war is already won.

After a double mastectomy, Grace tries to figure out what life is like after her battle with breast cancer. She feels like a different person in her new body, and fears one day her cancer may return. Through her own courage and will, Grace navigates the uncertainty that comes with the next stage of her life.

Directed & Produced by Rachel Pikelny
A Siskel/Jacobs Production film

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A Breast Cancer Survivor’s Fight to Love Her New Body SELF

Directed & Produced by Rachel Pikelny. A Siskel/Jacobs Production film.