Bodybuildingcom x EVL Nutrition Back Workout & Tips Ft: Angel Casas
August 1, 2022@EVLSPORTS athlete Angel Casas is BACK (see what we did there?) with a Back workout and tips to enhance your workouts for this #TipTuesday!
Workout Tips
1. Warm Up Properly
2. Prioritize Weak Points
3. Pause and squeeze for mind muscle connection and quality contraction
4. Don’t be scared to look stupid
5. Fuel your workout properly
Back Workout Breakdown
– Warmup
– Rack pulls 4 x 6-8
– Weighted Hyper Extensions 4 x 10-15
– Leverage High Row 3 x 10-12
– Chambered Grip Seated Cable Row 3 x 12-15
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