10 Simple Warm-Up Arm Stretches

10 Simple Warm-Up Arm Stretches

June 16, 2023 0 By FitnessTips

Arm Warm-Up Exercises are a great way to get blood flow to your shoulders before a workout… They can be used to warm up your body, making these kinds of movements the perfect pre-workout stretch. An interesting thing to note about .

0:00 Wrist Flexor Stretch
0:44 Wrist Extensor Stretch
1:28 Fingers down forearm stretch
2:10 Wrist Circles
2:53 Side Wrist Pull Stretch
3:36 Overhead triceps stretch
4:19 Extension of arms in vertical stretch
5:02 Shoulder flex
5:46 Palm up palm down rotation
6:29 Arm Circles

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#warmup #forearm #arms #shoulder