Do This Every Morning in Bed After Waking Up

Do This Every Morning in Bed After Waking Up

April 18, 2023 0 By FitnessTips

This is a very gentle stretch and allows you to relax and unwind your mind. This stretch loosens up the lower back, the hip flexors and the hip joints. 10 Practical Stretches to Better Rest, Awakening and Wellness.

0:00 Good Morning
0:34 Walking in bed
1:07 Single Leg Shoulder Bridge
1:41 Quarter Crunch
2:14 around the world
2:48 Bodyweight leg curls
3:21 Dead Bug
3:55 Child’s Pose
4:29 Kneeling Child Pose
5:02 Yoga Pose Stretch

#stretches #stretch #mobility #yoga

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