Do This After Waking up

Do This After Waking up

December 28, 2022 0 By FitnessTips

Do you have trouble getting out of bed and getting your day started on a positive note? Try these 15 simple morning exercises. stretches you should do everyday, stretches you should do every day, hip flexor stretch, hip stretches, daily stretches, do these stretches, do these stretches everyday, do these stretches every day

0:00 Prayer chest squeeze
0:51 Standing shrug
1:42 Arm Crossover
2:32 Half Chest Fly
3:23 Pulsing Crossovers
4:14 Back Slaps
5:04 Elbow clap
5:55 Alternate Fly
6:46 Above Head Chest Stretch
7:36 Elbows Back Stretch
8:26 Shoulders full flexion
9:17 Neck Side
10:07 Circles elbow
10:53 Knee drive
11:38 Front Kick

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