Morning Stretch Routine (Best Stretching Exercises)
October 26, 2022This Morning Stretch Routine Will Get Your Day off to the Best Start! morning stretches, morning stretches for women, morning stretches for men, morning stretches for beginners, morning stretches for flexibility, morning stretches in bed, morning stretches for women beginners, morning stretches for back pain, morning stretches for seniors, morning stretches for women in bed, morning stretches yoga, follow along morning stretches, morning stretches and yoga, morning stretches athlean x, morning stretches and exercises, morning stretches at work, morning stretches and workout, morning stretches after workout.
0:00 Seated Chest Stretching
0:41 Knee Flexor And Hip Adductor Stretch
1:26 Lying (prone) Abdominal Stretch
2:11 Seal Stretch
2:56 Adductor stretch
3:42 forward bend yoga pose
4:27 Cobra Yoga Pose
5:12 Rotating cobra
5:57 Seated Shoulder Flexor Depressor
6:43 Yoga Pose
#Stretch #Stretching #Warmup
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