How To Reduce Side Fat of Waist
August 20, 2022When you’re talking six-pack you’re really talking about more muscle groups than one. The abdominals are made up of four distinct muscle groups: the Transverse Abdominis (also called core), the External Abdominal Obliques, the Internal Abdominal Obliques, the Rectus Abdominis (which also happen to be handily divided into upper and lower abdominals). This Ab workout takes care of obliques.
#abs #obliques #fatloss #abworkout
0:00 Oblique Crunches on Floor (L)
0:35 Oblique Crunches on Floor (R)
1:15 Heel Touches
1:56 Spiderman Plank
3:01 Oblique Crunches (L)
3:36 Oblique Crunches (R)
4:17 Air bike
4:57 Oblique Crunch 2 (R)
5:33 Oblique Crunch 2 (L)
6:38 Side Plank Hip Adduction (L)
7:13 Side Plank Hip Adduction (R)
7:54 Elbow to Knee Side Plank (R)
8:29 Elbow to Knee Side Plank (L)
9:09 Plank Rolling (L)
9:45 Plank Rolling (R)
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