[Live Chat] The truth about my workouts and anything else

[Live Chat] The truth about my workouts and anything else

September 18, 2020 0 By FitnessTips

0:00-0:25 – The stream has begun but did not aware it already started.
2:32 – Is Jordan on steroids?
3:50 – Did Jordan achieve his physique from doing Bodyweight/Home-workout only?
7:09 – Will you lose muscle mass if you only do Killer/Hardcore Bodyweight workouts?
10:22 – How to stay lean all year round?
13:18 – Is healthy to stay at low body-fat (below 10%) all year round?
15:30 – What body fat level is ideal to maintain?
16:18 – How often should I do Jordan’s bodyweight workout?
18:50 – When should I progress to the next level of workout? Eg. Level 2 to Level 3?
21:03 – How to get rid of Stretch mark?
22:48 – Can you eat Rice if you want to lose weight?
27:53 – Jordan plan to play a role in movie?
28:52 – Is it ok for 13 year old to lift weights?
39:35 – What is Jordan’s height?
40:55 – Which workout level is the best?
41:42 – Why Jordan still don’t have level 6 workouts?